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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Holy Hour: Stations of the Cross

Lenten Prayer Service: Stations of the Cross
Thursday March 11th Res 6925
Set up 4: Service 5:30 pm—6:30 pm
Wiegand Recital Hall/chapel - BP John Bldg.

Fr. Rick Ganz, S.J.- Presider
Liturgical Ministers

Sr. Cecilia Ranger, SNJM PhD
Sr. Carol Anne Higgins SNJM
Dr. Mary Shephard
Kathleen Golden
Laura Howard
Marjorie Speirs
Arlene Harouff
Sr. Carole Strawn SNJN Philipos Ghaly
Joanna Luft
Daniel Miller
John Hart
Cora Palazzolo
Philipos Ghaly
Dr. Jerry O. Roussell, Jr.
Dr. Sheila O’Connell-Roussell

Welcome: Fr. Rick
Welcome to our Lenten Prayer Service- The Stations of the Cross. We dedicate this holy hour in thanksgiving to God and wish you and your family a blessed Lent, as we look forward to the seasons climax in the celebrations of holy week, our blessed Triduum and Easter. In this most solemn prayer service of the liturgical year, we embrace- in meditation and prayer- the life, the teachings and passion of Jesus. We honor his suffering and bond his passion to the deaths of those we loved who have gone before us into eternal life.
This beloved tradition has its roots in the dawn of Christianity. Ancient legends recall that soon after the Lord suffered, Mary the mother of Jesus and the Holy Women disciples…, walked the road to Golgotha, filled with unimaginable grief. As they came upon places in which Christ had suffered,….they stopped along the path to Calvary… to pray and to remember the last hours of the Lord. We bond with the first disciples of Jesus in this meditative Lenten Journey within the ancient practice of the Stations of the Cross. We pray in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Were You There:
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh, ... Oh sometimes it causes me to tremble,
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Reader: Sister Cecilia Ranger, SNJM, PhD
Mother Theresa of Calcutta is remembered as saying that she encountered the Christ hidden in the miserable disguise of the poor and the suffering. In our world today, Christ is crucified in our loneliness, in poverty, and in the sufferings of humanity. Right at this moment, someone is battling an advanced stage of disease; someone is losing a person they love.
Christ is crucified with us and through us … in every injustice, in war, disease, prejudice, hatred and cruelty, until the end of time.
In honor of the love Christ has for us, let us commit to be people of forgiveness and compassion. We offer this hour to unite …the sufferings…of humanity… to the Cross of Christ. We pray that by uniting ourselves to his passion, we will somehow ease the grief and sufferings of the people of earth.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader: Sr. Carol Anne Higgins
"1st Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death."

Chorus. By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Dr. Mary Shephard

Publicly accused and humiliated, mocked, beaten, bound and chained Jesus was dragged in front of the elders and priests of the city. He was sent to the Roman governor Pilate to be condemned to death. No one defended Jesus. He faced this judgment alone.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you.”

Prayer: Dr. Mary Shephard
We pray for all those who suffer from condemnation and judgment. We pray for the lonely and the abandoned, for those whose reputations have been wounded by gossip and unkind words. Creator God …give us the courage to be compassionate and kind. We ask you to forgive us for the times that we have judged ourselves or another person unkindly. We pray for the strength to heal.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader: Sister Anne Higgins
"2nd Station: Jesus Accepts the Cross"

Chorus. By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Joanna Luft
Jesus is stripped of the dignity of his clothing and scourged at the pillar. He is beaten and whipped to the point of death. Roman soldiers mock him crying "King of Judeans." They put a scarlet cloak around his shoulders, shove a reed into his hand to represent a king's scepter, and place on his head a crown of thorns. The cross is placed on his wounded shoulders.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “Pick up your cross and follow Me.
My yoke is easy my burden light.

Prayer: Joanna Luft
Lord give us the strength to face the crosses in our lives. Help us to remove every splinter we bear within our memories that steal our joy. Help us to recognize and heal from every heartache and burden we carry.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader: Sister Carol Higgins
"3rd Station: Jesus Falls the First Time"

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Kathleen Golden
His heart breaking for love of us, Jesus was tortured and beaten as he carried the cross. With every step, the weight of the cross cut deeper into his wounded shoulder. With each step, Jesus' body grew weaker from torture and exhaustion as he walked toward death. Overcome with grief and fatigue, Jesus fell hard on the sharp stones of the road to Calvary.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of humanity.”

Prayer: Kathleen Golden
Creator God, when we fall to our own weakness…give us the grace to pick ourselves up and try again. Help us to carry the cross of our failures knowing that we are forgiven. Walk before us always and teach us to never give up on ourselves. Help us to know how loved we are. May we witness our love for you ...with our lives.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Passion Song:
He was wounded on the shoulder.
Hung up on the tree..
While his broken hearted Momma stood there
Crying at his feet……

Unremembered women
Members of the cast,
Beloved John and Mary stood there
With him to the last…
My Lord…..

All: Chorus: And I wanted to thank you
Thank you for loving me
And I wanted to thank and praise you …Lord.
For joining me.... as my brother, …my God …and my friend
to the end my Lord.... as my brother, my God and my friend. Amen.

Reader. Sister Carol Anne Higgins
"4th Station: Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother."

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader. Cheryl Scarcelli
Mother Mary walked beside her son on road to Golgotha-the place of the skull... She who had carried him in her womb,…she who had nourished and treasured him within her own body, she who had taught him to pray, Virgin Mary, the mother of sorrows ….stood helpless as she looked into the eyes of her son.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “Mother, behold your Son.
And gave his mother to us all saying, …….”Behold your Mother.”

Reader. Cheryl Scarcelli
Mother Mary, when you look into the faces of the grieving, the sick, the oppressed, the poor, the unwanted, the hungry . . . once again you see the sufferings of Christ… You see that beloved face that you followed on the Way to Calvary. Teach us compassion for all and for ourselves. When we offer mercy to each other, we offer it to your son.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader: Sister Higgins
"5th Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his Cross."

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: John Hart
Jesus was near death, but the soldiers forced him to continue his climb to Golgotha. They held a man in the crowd hostage, forcing him to carry the cross. Simon the Cyrene lifted the weight from Jesus' breaking shoulders and carried the cross for Jesus.

And Jesus said, Fr. Rick Ganz
“What you do for the least of my sisters and brothers you do it for me. ”

Reader: John Hart
Lord give us the hearts to help one another. Send Simons into our lives to help us with our sufferings our fears….to help us carry the burdens in our lives. We ask for forgiveness for the times in which we failed to help others who were suffering. May we serve like Simon to help others carry their cross.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader: Sister Carol Anne Higgins
"6th Station: Jesus Falls a Second Time."

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Laura Howard
Hungry, thirsty, and deprived of sleep, the exhaustion and persecution of the walk to Golgotha overwhelmed the Christ. The ridicule, the laughter, anger and violence of the Roman soldiers broke his strength, crushed under the weight of the cross, Jesus fell to the ground.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “ I go to prepare a place for you.”

Prayer: Laura Howard
Jesus, like you, sometimes I fall under the weight of the cross I carry. Lord when life's cruelty weighs us down. please give us the strength to continue on our path. Creator God, when we fail to keep our word, when we break our commitments and fail to honor your will for our lives… give us the courage to pick up our cross and to begin again.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.


Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?
Oh, ... Oh sometimes it causes me to tremble,
Were you there when they nailed him to the tree?

Reader: Sr. Carol Anne Higgins
"7th Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus."

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Sister Carole Strawn
Veronica broke through the cold iron of the Roman swords to offer Jesus a moment of comfort. Veronica washed the torrent of blood and spit from the Sacred Face with her own veil. Legend recalls that Jesus rewarded her love and courage with a gift of himself. An image of the face of Christ appeared on Veronica’s blood soaked linen veil.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “ Seek the reign of God and I will add all things unto you.”

Reader: Sister Carole Strawn
Lord … lead us to see the dignity and beauty in every person, for every human being is a child of God. Jesus taught us that we are united in this journey of life, whatever we do to the least brother or sister, we do to the Christ. When we provide compassion and healing to ourselves and others, we also offer comfort to Jesus in his passion.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader: Sister Carol Anne Higgins
"8th Station: Jesus Consoles the Women of Jerusalem."

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Marjorie Speirs
The women of Jerusalem stood helplessly watching--watching as the heart of the woman Mary was torn to pieces as she watched the suffering of her only son. Mary knows our sorrows for she walked the road to Calvary beside her dying son. We remember women everywhere and faithful men who have lost their loved one’s in needless violence and pray for the end of injustice everywhere.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “Woman, Come drink Living water, water that will spring up into eternal life.”

Reader: Marjorie Speirs
Jesus, the weight you carry is so overwhelming, as our own burdens can also be. We pray to be led in compassion for one another, to have patience with ourselves. United in our commitments to justice, may we work together to shed light in the darkness and give hope to the suffering. Let us find courage in the dignity you modeled for us on your walk to Golgotha-loving to the very end.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader: Sister Carol Anne Higgins
“9th Station: Jesus Falls a Third Time."

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Daniel Miller
Jesus staggered and fell under the weight of the cross. He who was called the Messiah, the Son of God walked the road of an exile, a common criminal, a social outcast. As we contemplate your passion Jesus we pray, “Blessed are they who offer comfort to the prisoners, the lost and forgotten ones”.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “Be born again of water and the Holy Spirit”.

Reader: Daniel Miller
Lord, give us the strength to live in Truth. When we fall to our weakness, empower us to release our guilt and to begin again with the light of each new day. We pray to be pastoral people who care for others. We commit to take the extra step to offer support to those who hunger for kindness and plead for healing.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Dr. Sheila
Passion Song.
Two thieves hung beside Him
Two men met the Lord.
One cursed and laughed and mocked His face,
Then cursed and laughed some more.

But the other man repented
Touched by the love in his eyes
Jesus said, “Today my friend, you’ll be with me in paradise
My Lord…..

All: Chorus: And I wanted to thank you
Thank you for loving me
And I wanted to thank and praise you …Lord.
For joining me.... as my brother, …my God …and my friend
to the end my Lord.... as my brother, my God and my friend. Amen.

Reader: Sister Carol Anne Higgins
"10th Station: Jesus is stripped of his Garments"

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Cora Palazzolo
People just went about their day as they walked by the blood soaked hill at the city's gate. The bloodthirsty mob pushed Jesus to--Golgotha, the place of the Skull. Jesus was stripped naked before his abusers... stripped of all dignity.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “ I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

Reader: Cora Palazzolo
Jesus, we pray for your courage as we stand before the accusers in our lives. We pray to be people of compassion who unite in solidarity with all children of God who have been shamed and abused. We pray for the poor, those trafficked and used for profit and all who who, like you, have been stripped of their dignity.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader Sister Carol Higgins
"11th Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross."

Chorus: By your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Prayer: Arlene Harouff
Jesus was dragged to the place of death. The cruelty of the soldier's words tore through his spirit as they forced his bruised and tortured body down on the wood of the cross. The soldiers nailed his wounded body to the tree of death.

Dr. Jerry Roussell, Jr.
EFFECTS: Hammering Sounds.-- continuous.

Prayer: Arlene Harouff
Hands that had healed and pardoned were ripped through … by the pounding of heavy iron nails piercing the bones of his wrists...severing through the flesh and bone of his feet. Over his head, the soldiers posted a sign that read, 'Jesus... the Christ, ....King of the Judeans.

Dr. Jerry Roussell, Jr.
Directions: Hung on the Cross Red cloth is draped on the cross-or sacred altar.

Dr. Sheila
Passion Song:
The sun stood dark at midday
The earth shook to its core.
The men ….who called him ….teacher ….friend
Didn’t know Him ….anymore.

Peter ….denied Him.
Judas ….sold his soul
The ones ….who stood…. beside him
Were ….the women, …John… no more
My Lord…..

Chorus: And I wanted to thank you
Thank you for loving me
And I wanted to thank and praise you …Lord.
For joining me.... as my brother, …my God …and my friend
to the end my Lord.... as my brother, my God and my friend. Amen.

His blood poured down like water
Rushing to the earth
The broken hearted Momma recalled
Angels at his birth
Abba Father
Have you forsaken me?
It is finished,
Forgive us Lord
Today on Calvary
My Lord…..

Chorus: And I wanted to thank you
Thank you for loving me
And I wanted to thank and praise you …Lord.
For joining me.... as my brother, …my God …and my friend
to the end my Lord.... as my brother, my God and my friend.

Reader: Sister Carol Anne Higgins
"12th Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross."

Response: By your holy cross…. You have redeemed the world

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you…”

In Silence for a few seconds

Reader: Philipos Ghaly - Coptic blessing
Today He who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Cross (three times).
He who is King of the angels is arrayed in a crown of thorns.
He who wraps the heaven in clouds is wrapped in the purple of mockery.
He who in Jordan set Adam free receives blows upon His face.
The Bridegroom of the Church is transfixed with nails.
The Son of the Virgin is pierced with a spear.
We venerate Thy Passion, O Christ (three times).
Show us also Thy glorious Resurrection

For you:
This is the great Friday blessing:
May Christ our true God, Who for the salvation of the world endured spitting, and scourging, and buffeting, and the Cross, and death, through the intercessions of His most pure mother, of our holy and God bearing Fathers and Mothers, and of all the saints, have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and the Lover of mankind

Were You There When They Crucified My Lord vrs. 3

Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Oh, Oh sometimes it causes me to tremble,....
tremble,...... tremble.
Were you there when they laid him in the tomb?

Prayer: Fr. Rick Ganz, S.J.
Creator God, we honor your presence in this place today… who made us … dreamed of us from the beginning and you who gives us the breath of life…. We ask you to remember and hold in your eternal heart our loved ones…. family members ….and friends who have died. As we honor Lord Jesus with these stations, ….we pray for eternal rest for the souls of our loved ones…

Names of the Dead:
We remember those for whom we prayed last year.
Marjorie Speirs’ friends Kay David and Sam Gross
for our government
and all who have lost their lives in war.

Susan Von Tobel’s brother in law- Larry Schmitt and family.

Marylhurst teacher Sara Halprin and her surviving husband Herb Long-also one of our teachers.

Bonnie Romane’s friends Harold & Evelyn Yost, Roger Watanabe, Mark Neustel, Ross Kurzer

We will reserve a few moments now so as to invite anyone who chooses to speak the precious names of our dead. Those who choose to do so, may speak their names out loud or if you prefer…. You may whisper their names in the privacy of your heart.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader. Sister Carol Anne Higgins
"13th Station: Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross"

Response: By your holy cross… you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
“And Jesus said, I go before you always even to the end of time.”

Reader: Dr. Jerry Roussell, Jr.
As darkness fell on the land, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus… took the body of Jesus down from the cross … wrapped it with spices in linen cloths and brought the lifeless body of the messiah to a garden. Joseph offered the Lord a newly carved tomb he had prepared for himself.

Prayer: Dr. Jerry Roussell, Jr.
Lord have mercy on the abandoned, the dying and those left to grieve their loss alone. Give us the courage to be people of hope, people who have faith in the midst of the cruel realities of our world. We pray for this community of faith, that we surrender ourselves to our Creator’s will for the good, for justice and mercy. Give us the courage to continue to believe in our eternal destiny until we are home with you.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Reader Sister Carol Anne Higgins
"14th Station: Jesus is laid in the Tomb"

Response: By your holy cross… you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus Said, “Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted.”

Passion Song
Would I stand beside you
Would I … just.. run away
Would I deny my Lord on Calvary today

I see you in the market place
I see you on TV
I see you in the hungry eyes
Hidden in Humanity.
My Lord…..

Chorus: And I wanted to thank you
Thank you for loving me
And I wanted to thank and praise you …Lord.
For joining me.... as my brother, …my God …and my friend
to the end my Lord.... as my brother, my God and my friend.

Reader: Fr. Rick Ganz
And Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.”

Response: By your holy cross… you have redeemed the world.

Closing Prayers: Sr. Cecilia
As the disciples of Jesus stood in the despair of Golgotha, they could not see the glory of Easter soon to come. So it is with us. When we are in grief we can't see the light at the end of the darkness. We pray to be people of hope, people of faith and people who commit our lives to justice for all. We pray the courage to bear our grief and to be a community of support and care.

Response: By your holy cross… you have redeemed the world.

Reader: Father Rick
Lord Jesus, our faith teaches us that your life, your teachings, cross and resurrection … assure us that death has been conquered, that eternal life is our birth right as children of God. So as we meditate on your passion …in anticipation for your resurrection into glory. You proclaim that you are the Resurrection and the Life. . Give us the courage to proclaim this good news to the ends of the earth, until the end of time. May we always see you …. in each other.
Go now to spread the peace and love of Jesus.

Chant: Lead us to Love, to offer mercy, compassion to all.

Holy Hour: adapted from Lectionary-Based Gospel Dramas for Lent and the Easter Triduum
by Sheila O'Connell-Roussell, Terri Vorndran Nichols St. Mary’s Press.
And traditional practice. University Ministry invites you to please bring food items to these events to donate to the Second Wind outreach of the Oregon Food Bank.

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Times for Prayer and Reflection

We offer a variety of prayer opportunities on our campus --

The Meditation Room, Marian 204, is open for use by faculty, staff, and students. You may find it a great place to go for some quiet time, or you may wish to schedule a prayer group. The space is yours, let me know how I can be of assistance.

If you would like to make a prayer request you may do so through a direct e-mail to me, by putting a note under my door -- Marian 202, by placing a request in one of the envelops located throughout the campus, or by posting a response to my blog.

Weekly Mass at noon on Mondays is at the heart of all we do at Marylhurst. We invite you to join us if you are able. Mass is also available at 11:00 Tuesday - Friday in the chapel at Mary's Woods. Mary's Woods has Sunday Mass at 11:00 -- for students involved in weekend classes here on campus.

How else can we meet your needs? Let me know and I'll see what I can do to be of service.

Bilblical Exegetical Society Workshop

Dan has graciously offered to take on the leadership for the Biblical Exegetical Society. This year the meetings will take place from 4:30-5:30 on the Fridays of cohort weekends. The first meeting will be on Friday, November 2nd. Hope to see you there!